- Jeg bruger desværre ikke den her blog mere, da der ikke er nogen som læser den, og det er for meget arbejde for mig, så tjek ud min engelske side som jeg ALTID opdatere!
- I don't use this site anyone, cause nobody really read it, and it gave me too much work, so you can read my english blog, with ALL news, all the time!
torsdag den 20. maj 2010
tirsdag den 17. november 2009
David og Timo bliver
Ja, som det jo er, så bliver Timo og David jo
Det var dem som startede bandet, og de siger de aldrig kunne finde på at gå fra det, de vil leve for deres musik, og for deres fans!
De andre drengene stopper enden af januar.
Drengene spiller hele deres december tur i Tyskland, og så den sidste koncert den 30 januar i Moskva
Læs alle nyheder der er sket, på den engelske blog: skriver jeg ALLE nyheder!
onsdag den 11. november 2009
Panik er gået fra hinanden - Enden!
Panik er gået fra hinanden.
Bandet Panik findes nu ikke mere
De er splittet! Det her er enden på Panik, (og mit liv)
It's tough for us to write these lines.
As yet it's been a long struggle, an exhausting way, and a part of the band doesn't have the energy to walk this way anymore.
It hurts but we have to understand and accept.
Due to this, we're forced to announce the band PANIK will not go on in this constellation, and the tour in December will be the last tour in Germany.
As someone on the outside you don't really know nor learn much about the music business.
You hear a song and if you like it, you get it, no matter legally or illegally, and that pretty much wraps it up in the most cases. We are living in a world, where you can get music for free, but we can´t live without at least minimum of money.
What's behind each and every song is unknown to the most.
A production, a management, a record label, a publisher and many, many more people and things.
If one of these pillars breaks away, it's tough for the band to fully focus on the music.
It's just too much politics; sometimes it's a never-ending fight to do what you actually want.
Just music. For this album release we fought and set all the stuff we didnt want aside.
We didnt "prostitute" ourselves. Unfortunately it's inevitable with our attitude and approach that a few of those supporting pillars break away.
All we can say is that not many bands went through the stuff we had to.
Loads of people kept telling us that we are pretty much like a magnet, attracting the shadowsides of this business.
We'd like to thank all the people who accompanied us in the last couple of years and stood in our rows loyal to the core.
It was a great and unbelievable time with you. You're great. And we think you might feel a little as we do.
An era comes to an end and this era was that unique due to you folks.
Your guys from PANIK
Ah, and for fuck sake, the questionable journalism of the German youth magazines doesn't even allow us to explain this to our fans first. Frank never was in touch with that magazine... Thank you very much.
tirsdag den 27. oktober 2009
Stem på Panik for CMA award!
Stem på Panik forCMA 2009 - Celebrtiy Magazine Awards!!
DU kan stemme på dem for kategorien "Best Group National"!!
onsdag den 14. oktober 2009
onsdag den 30. september 2009
mandag den 28. september 2009
Ikke så mange nyheder
Jeg har virkelig ingen tid for tiden til at skrive nyheder her! Og da der heller ikke virker som om der er så meget interresse for det..
Så der er ikke så mange nyheder for tiden!
fredag den 25. september 2009
Så er det endelig dagen, hvor Panik's første (som Panik) album udkommer!!!!
Så lige nu over alt i Tyskland kan folk gå ned til deres nærmeste musikbutik og købe det nye album!!
Men vi andre må jo vente til vores bestilling bliver sendt!
Nyt tøj på
PÅ er der kommet en MASSE nyt tøj!! Det mega fedt!!!!
(Mere på siden!!)
Twitter update 24/25 Sep
Wow, i dont know what to say, but our album is out now!
about 1 hour ago from txt
Practicing for the Unplugged-Tour and Viva-Live!
about 6 hours ago from txt
onsdag den 23. september 2009
Twitter update 23. Sep
Too many visitors on schülervz, the player is down...
about 5 hours ago from txt
tirsdag den 22. september 2009
Twitter update 22nd Sep
exclusive "Making Of" on AOL:
about 1 hour ago from web
new Myspace: + new Blog:
about 6 hours ago from web