
tirsdag den 17. november 2009

David og Timo bliver

Ja, som det jo er, så bliver Timo og David jo
Det var dem som startede bandet, og de siger de aldrig kunne finde på at gå fra det, de vil leve for deres musik, og for deres fans!
De andre drengene stopper enden af januar.
Drengene spiller hele deres december tur i Tyskland, og så den sidste koncert den 30 januar i Moskva

Læs alle nyheder der er sket, på den engelske blog:

Her skriver jeg ALLE nyheder!

onsdag den 11. november 2009

Panik er gået fra hinanden - Enden!

Panik er gået fra hinanden.
Bandet Panik findes nu ikke mere
De er splittet! Det her er enden på Panik, (og mit liv)

It's tough for us to write these lines.

As yet it's been a long struggle, an exhausting way, and a part of the band doesn't have the energy to walk this way anymore.

It hurts but we have to understand and accept.

Due to this, we're forced to announce the band PANIK will not go on in this constellation, and the tour in December will be the last tour in Germany.

As someone on the outside you don't really know nor learn much about the music business.

You hear a song and if you like it, you get it, no matter legally or illegally, and that pretty much wraps it up in the most cases. We are living in a world, where you can get music for free, but we can´t live without at least minimum of money.

What's behind each and every song is unknown to the most.

A production, a management, a record label, a publisher and many, many more people and things.

If one of these pillars breaks away, it's tough for the band to fully focus on the music.

It's just too much politics; sometimes it's a never-ending fight to do what you actually want.

Just music. For this album release we fought and set all the stuff we didnt want aside.

We didnt "prostitute" ourselves. Unfortunately it's inevitable with our attitude and approach that a few of those supporting pillars break away.

All we can say is that not many bands went through the stuff we had to.

Loads of people kept telling us that we are pretty much like a magnet, attracting the shadowsides of this business.

We'd like to thank all the people who accompanied us in the last couple of years and stood in our rows loyal to the core.

It was a great and unbelievable time with you. You're great. And we think you might feel a little as we do.

An era comes to an end and this era was that unique due to you folks.


Your guys from PANIK

Ah, and for fuck sake, the questionable journalism of the German youth magazines doesn't even allow us to explain this to our fans first. Frank never was in touch with that magazine... Thank you very much.

tirsdag den 27. oktober 2009

Stem på Panik for CMA award!

Stem på Panik forCMA 2009 - Celebrtiy Magazine Awards!!
DU kan stemme på dem for kategorien "Best Group National"!!

onsdag den 14. oktober 2009

Kyte player

Panik album - teksterne kan du læse alle teksterne til sangene fra det nye album!

Panik . Live session

Stem på Panik . Rock on
Stem på Panik i højre side af siden!!

Panik unplugged session - Snipes

onsdag den 30. september 2009

mandag den 28. september 2009

Ikke så mange nyheder

Jeg har virkelig ingen tid for tiden til at skrive nyheder her! Og da der heller ikke virker som om der er så meget interresse for det..
Så der er ikke så mange nyheder for tiden!

fredag den 25. september 2009


Så er det endelig dagen, hvor Panik's første (som Panik) album udkommer!!!!
Så lige nu over alt i Tyskland kan folk gå ned til deres nærmeste musikbutik og købe det nye album!!
Men vi andre må jo vente til vores bestilling bliver sendt!

Nyt tøj på

- er der kommet en MASSE nyt tøj!! Det mega fedt!!!!

(Mere på siden!!)

Twitter update 24/25 Sep

Wow, i dont know what to say, but our album is out now!
about 1 hour ago from txt

Practicing for the Unplugged-Tour and Viva-Live!
about 6 hours ago from txt


onsdag den 23. september 2009

Twitter update 23. Sep

Too many visitors on schülervz, the player is down...
about 5 hours ago from txt


KAN du høre Keiner Merkt Es og Noch Nocht Tot og du can også se Noch Nicht Tot and Kein Merkt es videoerne!!!!!

23.09.09 - Kyte player




tirsdag den 22. september 2009

Twitter update 22nd Sep

exclusive "Making Of" on AOL:
about 1 hour ago from web

new Myspace: + new Blog:
about 6 hours ago from web

Sneak Peak 2 . Kyte player

søndag den 20. september 2009

Tillykke Timo!

I dag er det Timo's fødselsdag!! Hurra!
22 år:D
Jeg ønsker jeg en virkelig dejlig dag!!


fredag den 18. september 2009

torsdag den 17. september 2009

Nike billede



Nu har Panik fået en ny hjemmeside!!!! :D Og den er SÅ fed!!!!!!!
Der er en blog!! Nyheder! Twitter updates, billeder, Videoer, Kyte player!!
Så fedt!!!

onsdag den 16. september 2009

Nye Tour dates!!!

25.o9.2oo9 - Hambrug
28.o9.2oo9 - Köln
29.o9.2oo9 - Frankfurt a. M.
3o.o9.2oo9 - Nürnberg
2.1o.2oo9 - Wien

Snipe/Nike unplugged tour!!!! - Kyte Player

tirsdag den 15. september 2009


søndag den 13. september 2009

Twitter update 9th -13th Sep

smile... just smile..
7 minutes ago from web

Practicing for an internetconcert in our pracroom :) wuhu :)
about 20 hours ago from txt

With the other guys in our pracroom!
about 22 hours ago from txt

Tour Dates on - night
10:57 PM Sep 10th from web

schlaaaaaaaand :)
9:37 PM Sep 10th from web

Ive got 99 problems, but the B*tch aint one! :) on the way back home.. Timo
2:31 PM Sep 9th from txt

Decembre Tour Dates - Kyte player

Die Nase - The Nose (Improvisation) - Kyte player

"Hörprobe von neuen Panik Album"- Hør små dele af hver sang fra det nye Panik album!

torsdag den 10. september 2009

Nye Panik tour datoer!!!

06.12.2009 - Köln, Underground
07.12.2009 - Frankfurt, Nachtleben
08.12.2009 - München, Backstage
09.12.2009 - Berlin, frannz club
10.12.2009 - Hamburg, Knust!

Billetter: !!!

Billeder fra The Dome + The Dome 51 afterparty

(Click at the photos)

tirsdag den 8. september 2009

Twitter update 7-8 Sep

Beautiful weather today! I hope the single problem is solved.. Also hope, that they find a way to place our album not only in germany! Timo
about 3 hours ago from txt

..and found. Good Night :)
about 16 hours ago from txt

Still lost..
about 16 hours ago from txt

Lost in Berlin City..
about 17 hours ago from txt

07.09.2009 - Kyte player

søndag den 6. september 2009

An Alle Leute + Lass mich Fallen unplugged

Hörprobe von An Alle Leute & Lass mich Fallen unpl… - MyVideo

What the fuck - kyte player

Twitter update 5-6 sep

The original version is better! And wow, 1997 i was very young :)
about 11 hours ago from txt

Watching the first episode of Stargate Sg1 (final cut) - yes, Linke hates SG, but i love it :)
about 12 hours ago from txt

Now the train was cancelled!
about 21 hours ago from txt

Now 30 minutes! I really hate 'Deutsche Bahn', its better for the nature... Thats the only reason i travel with this shit! :) Fuckin DB! :)
about 21 hours ago from txt

On the way to hamburg city, but where is the fuckin train! :) 'Deutsche Bahn' says: 'etwa 20 Minuten später'
about 21 hours ago from txt

@VikiCullen just "Panik" :)
11:23 AM Sep 5th from web in reply to VikiCullen

lørdag den 5. september 2009

Hør noget af An Alle Leute!

Hvis du går på iTunes, og går på den tyske iTunes, og søger på "An alle leute" så kan du høre 0,24 sek af sangen!!
Du kan selvfølgelig også høre hele sangen ved at købe den!

fredag den 4. september 2009

Panik the Dome 51 interview

Panik nyhedsbrev! Ny Single, Lass Mich Fallen - ude nu!

Our new single: "Lass mich fallen" - out now!!!

First and foremost we would like to thank everybody for the great feedback for our new video and single. TOMORROW (4th of September) is the day we have been waiting for. After 1 ½ years of production and ups and downs that accompany such a process our new single “Lass mich fallen” will be released. This time around we handled most things ourselves so we need your help to create the biggest impact possible.

We need your support!

If you are going to buy the single please do so within the first week (4th September – 10th September) of the release. Only by doing so we'll be able to reach a high chart rank. You can either get the single from your trusted record dealer or online from amazon, itunes or musicload.

Another way of helping us would be to inform your friends about the upcoming release. This is most easily done via myspace, facebook, or twitter. If you send out any tweets about the single, please use #panikmusik as a hash tag.

Among all fans that support us we will raffle off six itunes gift cards and a meet & greet with the band in Berlin during the “You” fair (October 9th - 11th).

If you want to join the raffle just take a picture of yourself with the single you have bought or send us a screen shoot of your online order or let us know about your supporting activities on myspace, facebook, or Twitter. Send it to:

The price will go to the best supporting idea so do not hesitate to drop us a line.

If you like to you can also include the following banner on your web site, your blog, your myspace or facebook profile.

Download the banner here:

We would already like to thank everybody in advance. We will host some of the nicest ideas and actions on our blog that will go online very soon. We will get back to you as soon as we receive the first mails.

Thanks a bomb!
David, Frank, Jan, Juri, Linke, Timo

The single „Laß mich fallen“ will be available on itunes today and everywhere else from the 4th of September on. The album “PANIK” will be released on the 25th of September.

Twitter update 4. sep

Sometimes life sucks..
about 3 hours ago from txt

Songtext: Panik - Lass Mich Fallen
about 8 hours ago from Facebook

Unsere neue Single "Lass mich fallen" jetzt erhältlich! #panikmusik
about 10 hours ago from Facebook

"Lass mich Fallen" Single OUT NOW!
about 10 hours ago from web

Støt Panik på twitter

Støt Panik, og tilføj en #twibbon til jeres avatar! ->

Du kan også skrive "#panikmusik" i alle jeres indlæg!

onsdag den 2. september 2009

Making of Panik fotoshoot



På Panik's myspace skriver de en masse om deres single, og så skriver de:
Das neue Album "Panik" erscheint am 25.09. (Det nye album "Panik" bliver udgivet 25.09)
og så er der det her billede:

Det er det nye album's COVER!!

Lass Mich Fallen kan købes på iTunes


Nu på iTunes kan du købe den nye single "Lass Mich Fallen" som download!
På singlen er der også "Lass mich fallen unplugged" "Jeder" and "An alle Leute" !!!

Men det er kun tysk iTunes man kan købe dem i, og måske også andre steder (Østrig eller sådan noget måske)

mandag den 31. august 2009

Twitter update 30 aug

Good night, pink punkers! (its a great bandname, isnt it? :))
about 14 hours ago from txt

I will never wear pink clothes :)
about 14 hours ago from txt

I hate pink.
about 14 hours ago from txt

Pink is the new black! :) I love 'pink metal' or 'pink rock' :)
about 15 hours ago from txt - I think this is my first pink pass!
about 15 hours ago from TwitPic - Closer
about 18 hours ago from TwitPic - Rise Against
about 19 hours ago from TwitPic

With david at the T-Mobile Extrem Playgrounds to watch Rise Against! Timo
about 20 hours ago from txt

lørdag den 29. august 2009

Twitter 25-27 Aug

for all germans: - very simple.. timo
5:02 PM Aug 27th from web

Two tracks arent on the album. "An alle Leute" is the best b-side we ever had. Im very proud. but sadly just on Itunes..
about 3 hours ago from web in reply to PaoloBianchessi

Enjoy the new press pix!:
about 3 hours ago from Facebook

Dont ignore this - we have one planet and one chance (RA): and - Timo
about 16 hours ago from web

Check the "Unsere Zeit" snippet on
about 21 hours ago from web

B-Side på Lass Mich Fallen!

På twitter skriver en person til Panik:

@panikmusik Timo!!! What will be the bonus track of the single LMF? I hope one that is not in the album!!

Og de svarer:

Two tracks arent on the album. "An alle Leute" is the best b-side we ever had. Im very proud. but sadly just on Itunes..

Så An Alle Leute blive B-side på Lass Mich Fallen singlen!!

mandag den 24. august 2009

lørdag den 22. august 2009

Det nye Panik Album!

På amazon. kan du forudbestille det nye Panik album:

Klik her!

Albumet titlen er Panik og det bliver udgivet 25 September 2009!
Det er en "Limited Deluxe Edition", og dobbel-CD

Der er ikke noget cover endnu!

The Dome 51 photos

Panik - The Dome 51 - Videoer



Lass Mich Fallen - sangtekst

Ich musste einfach aus
Ich musste weg - weg
Ich hielt es nicht mehr aus
Und deshalb geh ich jetzt - jetzt
Wohin ist doch egal
Hauptsache ist weg von hier
Weg vom Stress, weg von allen
Und weg von dir

Langsam tröpfelte es
Doch ich schütz mich nicht
Ich lauf weiter
Es bedrückt mich nichts
Mein Kopf ist frei und leer
Kein Zweifel mehr
Meine Vergangenheit istn Scheißdreck wert.

Ich lass mich einfach fallen
Ich lass den Regen regnen
Und mach heut einfach frei
Kein Mensch soll mir begegnen
Ich hab die Schnauze voll von
Diesem Leben, und ich
Geh einfach weiter, denn ich
Will nicht mehr reden
Ich lass mich einfach fallen

Warum muss ich jeden Tag das gleiche Leben leben
Wir stehen auf um uns hinzulegen, Jeden
Tag derselbe Trott,
der gleiche Job und gegen
Langeweile gibt es Hotlines zum Reden

Langsam tröpfelte es
Doch ich schütz mich nicht
Ich lauf weiter
Es bedrückt mich nichts
Mein Kopf ist frei und leer
Kein Zweifel mehr
Meine Vergangenheit istn Scheißdreck wert.

Ich lass mich einfach fallen
Ich lass den Regen regnen
Und mach heut einfach frei
Kein Mensch soll mir begegnen
Ich hab die Schnauze voll von
Diesem Leben, und ich
Geh einfach weiter, denn ich
Will nicht mehr reden
Ich lass mich einfach fallen

Ist mir scheißegal
Was ich machen muss
Es ist auch scheißegal was ihr erwartet und
solang ich die Dinge mach
Die von euch Ratten keiner macht
Fühl ich mich gut
Und heute ist son Tag
Ich habs im Blut
Alles wird gut
Glaubt an euch selbst und ihr kriegt genug
Und ich glaubs selber bald
Jeder hat Glück - geht raus
Es wird Zeit

Ich lass mich einfach fallen
Ich lass den Regen regnen
Und mach heut einfach frei
Kein Mensch soll mir begegnen
Ich hab die Schnauze voll von
Diesem Leben, und ich
Geh einfach weiter, denn ich
Will nicht mehr reden
Ich lass mich einfach fallen


fredag den 21. august 2009

The Dome 51 photos

Panik nyhedsbrev!!

"Lass mich fallen" video premieres

The wait is over. "Lass mich fallen", the official first single taken from our new & upcoming album premieres today (the 21th of august) on Viva Live.

You can watch the clip in between 15:30 and 15:45. You can also view the video on our own homepage where we celebrate the premier as well. The clip will be online on www.panik-musik .de from 3 pm on.

The video was filmed at the Potsdamer Platz in the heart of Berlin and the result is more than stunning. Thanks again to the crew that made it possible.

For all those interested in gaming: We’ll play a show on Saturday on the games fair Gamescon at 5 pm (, hall 8, stall A014).

We would love to see you there.

Also we would like to thank everyone for the positive feedback for our street video "Jeder". We are eagerly awaiting the things to come and a "Panik future" together with you.


New photoshoot Pictures!

[21.08.09] - Kyte player



søndag den 16. august 2009

Twitter update 15 aug .. im scared..
about 5 hours ago from web

fredag den 14. august 2009

"Lass Mich Fallen"-single cover fra Amazon

12.08.2009 - kyte player - Lass mich fallen video - nr 4

Twitter updates aug nr. 2

exclusive "behind the scenes" pics of photoshoot:
about 2 hours ago from web

On the way back home!
12:35 PM Aug 13th from txt

Listen to 'Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee' - the most played song in my iTunes!
2:38 AM Aug 13th from txt

Like the nights before: i cant sleep! Its fuckin hot in here...
2:29 AM Aug 13th from txt

The video is gonna be great!! :)
8:45 PM Aug 12th from txt

Ive got DCMA!
3:18 PM Aug 12th from txt

Tomorrow we shoot the 'Lass mich fallen' video, so check our kyte player!
12:54 AM Aug 12th from txt

@Qc_Sophie ah its a "sheep cheese salat" with falafel :) hehe, a very big salat
12:23 PM Aug 11th from web in reply to Qc_Sophie

a horrible night.. today is the last day of cutting the making of :) yess ya! :) ill be finished soon..
12:21 PM Aug 11th from web

Its so fucking hot here, i cant sleep!
1:13 AM Aug 11th from txt - best damn thing after 7h photoshoot:
11:39 PM Aug 10th from TwitPic

Yes, thats my name :)
7:29 PM Aug 10th from txt

Yes, nice pictures :) were done.. Tion
7:27 PM Aug 10th from txt

Behind the scenes photos - Lass mich fallen video